Analyzing Audience



Effectively delivering a presentation to your audience has to do with knowing in advance who you are presenting to. Doing an investigation or “Market analysis” is the key to persuade and inspire the people you will talk to. Considering a variety of factors that your audience posses can enhance your presentation; while making it easy to get direct to the point.

Demographics is where we want to start; knowing the age, size, social class, gender and occupation of your public, provides you with the tools required to relate to them faster. 

Let’s say that we want to teach Highschool students the benefits of doing exercise three times a week. It is important to know that they are young and often inspired by what the media offers; for a clear and stronger message we can use a young athlete as an example for them. Also, the way we talk must be easy to comprehend and using common words among them.


Another example; let’s pretend that we are in charge of raising funds for victims of a natural disaster. Our audience is wealthy individuals who own big companies; our message has to be in a formal way and considering the educational background of them. Using strategies to get their attention can be easier if we know how they think and how other people succeed asking for donations in wealthy environments.

It is very important to do a research to know what your public think about and their possible objections to your topic. Getting to know your audience can make you more persuasive and help you achieve better results.

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